The cost of development and the time to build super apps

A Super app acts as a wide-ranging store for all of your clients' needs. A single application that houses a variety of on-demand services from grocery and food delivery services to booking transportation and payment initiation. It surpasses the requirement of third-party merchants without downloading additional applications. It saves space on mobile devices and users are benefitted by accessing numerous services from a single app.

Hence, the idea of creating a Super app for your business is no doubt extremely beneficial as it is going to be the future of the mobile app market. But, the first thought that comes before building the app is the Cost to Make App Development. Here, we’ll be going to discuss the average cost of developing an app like the Super app.

Must-have features of a Super app:

The cost of developing an app like Super app mostly depends on its features. As it is a single solution for numerous on-demand services, it requires many features based on the services a Super app provides. Moreover, a Super app that provides particularly on-demand services has multiple interfaces to streamline its workflow from the end users to vendors and admin control. So, the cost to make app development is undoubtedly going high with the added features of your app. If you hire app development company in Dubai for building your Super app, it’ll give you an estimate based on the features of your app. However, the basic features of any Super app are as follows.

•    Social media integration:

This feature permits users to sign-up for the app with their social media ID and follows the log-in procedure to access the services of the app.

•    GPS-Tracking:

This option allows users to track the service providers in real-time and the service providers or delivery agents to find the users’ location.

•    Multilingual:

This feature offers various languages that allows the users to access the app with their chosen Language. It attracts a wide range of different language-speaking customers. This is an advanced feature and adding this option will increase the cost to make app development. But, if you hire app development company that has a team of proficient experts in building Super apps, can develop the app cost-effectively by adding these types of advanced features.

•    Scheduling appointments:

It assists the users in scheduling their appointments in advance if it requires daily or regular basis.

•    Push Notifications:

Service providers can send notification messages to the users about the order and other activities. They also can notify the users about their particular offers, discount coupons, recommendations and more with this option. Once you hire app development company that has the expertise in building apps with emerging technology, can design this feature innovatively.

•    Payment gateway:

The amalgamation of a payment gateway in this app allows In-App payment and the users can get the benefit of seamless payment from the app. Third-party payment gateway impacts the cost of developing an app like the Super app.

Important Tech-stack for Super app:

As the Super app supports numerous functionalities, it needs a robust technology stack to maintain the workflow of the app seamlessly. It’s needless to say that the cost to make app development varies with the chosen tech stack. Once you hire app development company that has a technically sound team of skilled developers, can create a robust Super app for you. However, the important tech stack is as follows.

Front end - React js, Vue js, HTML, CSS

Backend- Node js, Python, Go Lang, Laravel

Platform- Swift, KOtlin, Java for Native, Flutter & React for cross-platform

Database -MySQL, Mongo DB, Postgree SQL

Cloud Service- AWS, Azure, GCP

Server- NGINX, Apache

Push Notification - Push, Twillo, Firebase

Payment - Paypal, Stripe, Braintee, EWallet

Estimated cost to make app development:

The Cost of Developing an App depends upon some important factors like the complexity of the app, features and functionalities, developers’ rate and development time, UI/UX design, App Platforms, Third-party and more. If you Hire App Development Company that has the proficiency of developing Super app, can properly estimate the cost to make app development considering those factors. Anyhow, the average cost of developing an app like the Super app is between 150K AED to 300K AED in the UAE.

Final thoughts:

Super App defines a brand-new class of mobile app development in dubai. The way this app is capturing the market, sooner people will be dependent on it. Hence, investing in the Super app now can bring huge profits for your organization. The discussion about the Super app and the cost to make app development will help you to plan for your Super app. But, don’t mistake to hire app development company that has a proven track record of creating apps that provides on-demand services. Only a reputable mobile app development company in dubai can handle the complex and extensive procedure of creating a Super app.


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