Cost to Develop an App like Dream 11

 The rising craze towards sports like cricket and football has paved way for entrepreneurs to capitalize the concept of fantasy sports. Fantasy sports apps have become widely popular across the globe. People take much interest to satiate their passion towards sports along with earning money overnight. Dream11 is such an app that has been developed assiduously by the mobile app development firm.  The app has set benchmarks for various other players in this segment. According to Tech Crunch, 33% of the total downloaded apps from both Apple and Google stores are gaming apps. Fantasy sports apps have great demand these days and you can leverage this unique concept by launching an app like dream11. This blog offers much-required information on Cost To Develop An App Like Dream11 and some other crucial aspects. 

How Does It Work?

Before you hire an Android App Development Firm, you must get acquainted with working of fantasy cricket app. This will help you plan your app in the most creative way so that can attract maximum users.

•    Once a user creates a profile with fantasy cricket sports app, he chooses among different sports offered by the app. After choosing the sport, he selects the league that he wants to play.

•    To play that league, the user will need to select a team along with a captain and a vice captain for it.  Allow players to make different teams for different leagues.

•    Allow users to track performances of his teammates and make changes accordingly.

•    The team that performs well is duly rewarded monetarily and this is how people make huge money overnight with these fantasy cricket sports apps.

How Do Fantasy Sports Apps make Money?

The primary objective of hiring an Android app development firm and launching an app like Dream11 is to make money. You can choose among some commonly accepted ways to earn money through a fantasy cricket league app.

Ads: This is the most widely used model to make money through apps. You will display ads of various businesses on your app’s interface and they pay for it.

Brand promotion: You can collaborate with various sports associated brands to promote their products and services through your app.

Fees: To join a league in your fantasy cricket app, users will need to make a small payment to join the league. Out of the total money collected, some goes to the winning users while the rest is kept by the app owner.

Subscription Model: You can allow certain advanced features for users to enjoy additional features in your app at a certain monthly subscription charge.

Cost to Develop App Like Dream11

There are various factors that affect the cost to develop an app like Dream11.

•    Type of App

•    Number of features

•    Location of iOS App Development Firm

•    Complexity Involved in Project

These four factors will comprise the maximum part of total cost to develop fantasy sports app. As per our evaluation, a Dream11 like app can be easily developed within USD 15000 to USD 18000. This is an estimate to develop a native app for a single platform (Android or iOS) from scratch.


Hope this information has offered you much-required insights into developing a fantasy sports league app like Dream11. Hire a reputed and experienced mobile app development firm to get the best results.


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